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Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves

Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves
Women's midi winter shirt, dotted gray, with buttons, a pocket on the front, and stripes on the collar and sleeves

استعدي لإطلالة شتوية أنيقة مع هذا القميص الرائع القميص مصنوع من قماش ناعم ودافئ يضمن راحتك طوال اليوم. يتميز بلونه الرمادي الهادئ المزين بنقاط ناعمة تضيف لمسة أنثوية مميزة


ميدي بطول مثالي يجمع بين الأناقة والعملية.  

ياقة وأكمام مخططة تضيف لمسة عصرية وحيوية للتصميم.  

جيب أمامي عملي يعزز من جاذبية القطعة ويمنحك مساحة صغيرة لأغراضك.  

أزرار أنيقة في المقدمة لإطلالة كلاسيكية ومميزة.  

S.R 10.00
Ex Tax: S.R 8.70
  • SKU: 9038732

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